Immediate Changes to Board of Directors
Board of Directors Changes
~ Effective Immediately ~
October 16, 2018
Dear Players, Families & Coaches of the NJP,
Please join me in thanking Clayton Giffen for his time, energy and commitment to the
Nashville Jr. Predators. He has resigned his position as President of your Board of Directors,
effective immediately, due to personal & professional time conflicts. Clayton has been a pillar
in the youth hockey community of Nashville for over 15 years and his most recent term as our
President only solidified this stature. He oversaw the transition to a new non-profit
corporation which adopted bylaws that better represented our members and their children.
The transition to Tier I AAA hockey could not have been accomplished without his tireless
pursuits. His influence extended to the ice, as well, where his coaching experience impacted
several of our teams. As many of you know, Clayton is an off-ice official for the NHL, in
addition to his “day job.” He and his wife, Lisa, were recently blessed with the arrival of their
first son, Paxton. In short, there just aren’t enough hours in the day anymore.
Clayton’s term as President of your Board of Directors was scheduled to end this June. Until
then, I will assume an Interim role. To be clear, I will NOT be pursuing that position for the
next term! The health of the club is contingent upon its President having no means of
perceived bias. Please join me in a collective debt of gratitude to Clayton and his family. I
have a hunch that we’ll see Paxton & the Giffens around the rink in a few short years!
Lastly, Kim Cyphers has volunteered to backfill the now vacant Secretary position on your
Board. She’s served this and a multitude of roles with the NJP for years. Her historical
knowledge and efforts will be critically important in this transition and making the rest of this
season the best we can for the entire Club. Many thanks to Kim for “stepping up!”
Matt Goudy
Board of Directors